About Ruairi O'Donnellan

Ruairi is a content marketer for Intuition Publishing, focusing on the creation of written pieces around corporate learning and finance. If you'd like to speak to an eLearning solutions specialist about an upcoming project, Ruairi can put you in touch with the appropriate Intuition representative. Email him at rodonnellan@intuition.com.

Machine learning by the numbers: Its impact on business

Machine learning by the numbers: Its impact on business Machine learning (ML) has emerged as a powerful subset of artificial intelligence (AI), revolutionizing industries across the globe. By leveraging historical data and sophisticated algorithms, machines can now imitate human learning, continuously improving their accuracy and capabilities. The impact of machine learning

By |2024-02-16T15:51:24+00:00January 5th, 2024|AI, Corporate Learning, Finance|0 Comments

What is machine learning (ML)?

What is machine learning (ML)? In the simplest terms, machine learning (ML) is a subset of the broader field of artificial intelligence (AI). AI can be defined as the attempt to create machines or software systems that display human-like intelligence. Originally, most attempts to create AI systems involved the so-called

By |2024-02-16T15:51:21+00:00January 5th, 2024|AI, Corporate Learning, Finance|0 Comments

Finance reimagined: Mastering machine learning (ML)

Finance reimagined: Mastering machine learning The advent of machine learning (ML) has ushered in a new era in the financial industry, prompting a significant shift from traditional methodologies to sophisticated data-driven systems. This article presents a comprehensive understanding of the crucial role machine learning plays in finance, emphasizing the necessity for

By |2024-03-01T12:14:16+00:00January 5th, 2024|AI, Corporate Learning, Finance|0 Comments

How computers add value to business: Modeling & decision-making

How computers add value to business: Modeling & decision-making The earliest computers performed relatively simple tasks, such as tabulating and organizing numbers and basic calculations using simple mathematics. To perform more advanced functions, computers require more advanced math. Understanding the mathematical concepts and methods that underline computing applications such as

By |2024-02-16T15:51:15+00:00January 5th, 2024|AI, Corporate Learning, Finance|0 Comments

Big data defined: IoT, three Vs, uses, role in AI

Big data defined: IoT, three Vs, uses, role in AI Big Data has become a major buzzword in the past few years as we have collected more and more information about a wide range of objects, processes, people, and things. This is due to both the increase in available computing

By |2024-02-16T15:51:14+00:00January 5th, 2024|AI, Corporate Learning, Finance|0 Comments

Remote Working Statistics You Need to Know In 2024

Remote working statistics you need to know in 2024 In early 2020, the world changed dramatically, almost overnight. As organizations have now fully embraced remote work, at Intuition we wanted to gain a better understanding of the numbers behind this work-model shift. During this research, it became clear that the shift to virtual has brought

By |2024-05-02T08:53:24+00:00January 4th, 2024|Corporate Learning|0 Comments

The Individual Accountability Framework (IAF): Enhancing accountability in Financial Services

The Individual Accountability Framework (IAF): Enhancing accountability in Financial Services In today's evolving financial landscape, the need for robust accountability measures has become increasingly apparent. To address this, the Central Bank of Ireland has introduced the Individual Accountability Framework (IAF), a comprehensive set of regulations aimed at enhancing governance, performance, and accountability in the

By |2023-10-25T15:02:20+00:00October 22nd, 2023|Finance|0 Comments

What is the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation?

What is the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation? In March 2021, the European Union's Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) came into force. The SFDR is designed to help institutional asset owners and retail clients understand, compare, and monitor the sustainability characteristics of investment funds by standardizing sustainability disclosures. Under the SFDR, firms must make

By |2023-11-03T15:01:29+00:00October 17th, 2023|Finance|0 Comments

What are ferrous metals? Supply and demand, trading, and hedging explained

What are ferrous metals? Supply and demand, trading, and hedging explained A ferrous metal is any opaque, fusible, ductile, and lustrous substance that is a good conductor of electricity and heat, forms cations by loss of electrons, and yields basic oxides and hydroxides; especially one that is a chemical element as distinguished from an

By |2023-07-03T15:16:28+00:00June 26th, 2023|Finance|0 Comments

What are petrochemicals?

What are petrochemicals? Petrochemicals – sometimes abbreviated as "petchems" – are a set of chemical compounds that fuel a wide array of products that are integral to modern economies and societies. A petrochemical, in the strictest sense, refers to a chemical manufactured or derived from crude oil and natural gas, as distinct from fuels. Petrochemicals,

By |2023-07-03T14:51:28+00:00June 26th, 2023|Finance|0 Comments
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