The Intuition Learning Leader

September 2020

The Intuition Learning Leader is a roundup of our latest content around finance, corporate learning and more.

[Article] As US Stock Markets Soar Despite Pandemic Fallout, Some Ask When The Crash Will Come

Despite the brutal economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic and a recent correction, US stock markets appear ready to end the year in the black. This is an extraordinary performance at a time when the global economic outlook seems increasingly bleak and global trade seems increasingly threatened. What is driving this surprising market strength? Is it corporate and economic fundamentals, or is it the unintended result of broader monetary machinations?

[Article] As US Stock Markets Soar Despite Pandemic Fallout, Some Ask When The Crash Will Come

[Article] From Crisis To Opportunity: Central Banks Seize The COVID-19 Moment To Embrace Change

Central banks worldwide are embracing extraordinary policies in a bid to stave off the worst economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The US Federal Reserve has announced a dramatic shift in its monetary policy approach, for example, and the European Central Bank has taken the unprecedented step of allowing for deviations from the capital key in its bond purchases. These and other developments suggest that the pandemic may lead to lasting changes in how the world approaches economic management and monetary policy.

[Article] From Crisis To Opportunity: Central Banks Seize The COVID-19 Moment To Embrace Change

[Recorded Webinar] Bridging the Skills Gap: Today’s Workers & Tomorrow’s Workplace

Industries worldwide are experiencing unprecedented change as digital transformation and new economic realities shake up the world of work. For sectors like financial services and technology, which rely on skilled employees, finding the right people is a growing challenge – and employers are realizing they cannot rely on the global labor market to produce the workers they need. Instead, they must nurture internal talent, identifying those with potential and providing them with the training they need to thrive.

This recorded webinar features Claire Tunley (Chief Executive of the Financial Services Skills Commission) and Tanuj Kapilashrami (Group Head of HR at Standard Chartered Bank). In this session, they explored the challenges facing skills-intensive industries and the part digital learning technologies can play in bridging the gap between today’s workers and tomorrow’s needs.

[Recorded Webinar] Bridging the Skills Gap: Today’s Workers & Tomorrow’s Workplace

[Article] Exploring Remote Internships: Part 3: Virtual Mentoring Tips for Success

COVID-19 has brought unimaginable global disruption. Workplaces have been forced to react to the crisis, swiftly moving to remote employment. Companies have embraced new technologies and forms of communication, getting to grips with unfamiliar ways of collaborating with teammates.

Employees heavily impacted by these changes are interns and analysts, just setting foot in the now virtual workplace. Ensuring the success of these new recruits should be a priority for organizations. One way this can be done is through the appointment of a mentor.

We spoke to work and organizational psychologist Debora Jeske about the important role a mentor plays in the success of a virtual experience, for both the business and intern.

[Article] Exploring Remote Internships: Part 3: Virtual Mentoring Tips for Success